The funniest part of this race was that I signed up for it back in November when I was as big as a house. I thought to myself, “Sure, 4 months after I have a baby…oh yeah, I can totally run a half marathon.” Yes, I thought that for real. I even signed up for it and paid the money.
When I tried to start training for the run, I learned 2 things. One is that I am an idiot and had absolutely no earthly idea what I was getting myself into. Two is that it takes a minute post-baby where running doesn’t feel like something you would only do if you were being chased by a wild animal who thought you looked a lot like breakfast.
I was too embarrassed to go pick up my packet and admit how foolish I was, so I sent my cousin Brie to do it for me. Happily she signed me up for the 5k instead of the half marathon and no one thought twice about it. Except me. It was a harsh dose of reality, but I’m getting a lot of those these days. All in all, I will have to say it was the best 5k Lucy and I have ever run. And since it was the only one, it can only get better from here...right? Please say yes.