I have a great job where I get to work with amazing people. One of them, Bernie, is a creative genius. He helped to put us on the map by making us look so good on our billboards, among thousands of other things. He’s even the man behind the mustache on the Milk campaign, so I don’t have to tell you how great he is. You’ve seen his work all over the place.

So when Bernie sent me the cutest, frilliest, most precious pink dress for little Lucy, my jaw hit the floor. It was by far the prettiest dress I had ever seen—I even hung it on her crib for 3 months until it fit! Everyone that came over would “ooh” and “aah” over the dress, saying things like “where on earth did you find such a fantastic dress?” Who knew it came from a really important and really talented art director in New York?! Bernie confessed that he has daughters so he knows girls, but he also has great taste, so I give him all the credit.

I have 3 brothers so I grew up more with GI Joe men and Underoos than I did with Barbies and lacey stuff. Being around all those boys, I learned that pink was for sissies and I was way tougher than that. I didn’t even buy my first pink shirt until after I had graduated from college, and I made sure never to wear it around my brothers! Over the years, I have learned to embrace the pink within and I feel like I’m playing dress up every day I get to put Lucy in her sweet little girly clothes and matching headbands. Secretly, I love it.

Lucy wore Bernie’s dress on Easter Sunday and she was by far the cutest baby on the block. Seeing her in that little dress made me realize how lucky I am…not only for great friends and colleagues, but for this chance to be a mom to such a precious baby girl who looks great in pink!